Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-01-10
- Is recording with Bahiyyih & Roya today for B’s album… Hello what’s this, more snow? Bollocks! I’m done with it! #
- @ColleenCoplick watching ads is a huge waste of your time, use a PVR , and the Tetley Vanilla Rooibos is indeed the best, I tried many! in reply to ColleenCoplick #
- is sweating from shoveling snow…. again. TONS of piled up work to do, but just feel like goofing off, such a shame to be responsible… #
- is watching a show about how it’s now possible for a computer can read your mind with precision! Science Fiction is no longer. Will blog… #
- Is celebrating the birthday of a very special person & talented musician today, Mrs Laura Harley! #
- @RebeccaGeiger glad you like my twitter bg! is the best, but most expensive. I use maxbulk on my computer… in reply to RebeccaGeiger #
- Is back teaching music production again tonight #
- just got drenched by a wave of water from a bus while walking through puddle/mini lake. How could I become a victim of this? Shocking… #
- knows that if @felishamatthew can deal with the difficult health routine to deal with hormonal issues, so can you Steve Jobs! #
- Is really proud of @felishamatthew for sticking to her difficult health routine to deal with all the frustrating health problems! #
- @Juliet9 “God gives you friends as His way of saying I’m sorry for your family” That is awesome! Hilarious. Wonder where thats from… in reply to Juliet9 #
- is really kind of a little bit messed up these days. I think months of work without a real day off will do that to a person… #
- Virgin Radio Vancouver has now been broadcasting for 24 hours at 95.3 FM replacing Crave FM. Station focus on the Hot AC format: 25-49 y/o #
Tags: twitter update