Fun facts about war and poverty
- Cost of war in Iraq to America, in its fifth year: More than $455 billion
(of money borrowed from other countries, like China),,-7017205,00.html
- Cost to cure hunger in Africa: $10 billion
(One month budget of the Iraq war)
It’s a good day to start renouncing nationalism, America!
“… selfish souls, for the promotion of their own interests, have assigned boundaries and outlets and have, day by day, attached more importance to these, until this led to intense enmity, bloodshed and rapacity in subsequent centuries. In the same way this will continue indefinitely, and if this conception of patriotism remains limited within a certain circle, it will be the primary cause of the world’s destruction” – Abdu’l-Baha
October 25th, 2007 at 1:58 pm
Very revealing about the world’s priorities.
October 26th, 2007 at 3:12 am
Yes! But luckily, for every fact like this, there is another showing the good things that are happening, Like Plumpy Nut!
That’s right, I said Plumpy Nut, it’s saving thousands of children in Africa and worldwide, and it’s cheap.
Sure it’s a band aid, but at least it will keep children alive while the world gets it’s priorities straight